Some time back
it was felt that an independent Law
College is needed to generate trained
young Lawyers at Capital. The legal
education now days a require to be
given new shape for prosperous and
quality education. The College organises
the Seminars, Literacy Camp regularly
to give practical knowledge at grass-root
Realising the need, an independent
Law College has been established and
has started the 3 years LL.B course
and five years Law course. Apart from
professional course, the college has
also started the LL.M classes to promote
the higher legal education.
In order to fulfill this sole
responsibility, our college is committed to help & trained the young fro profession
in excellence. We welcome all such, young for future profession to join in our
commitments towards excellence. |
Sandeep Chouhan Chairman Governing
Body Rajeev Gandhi Law College, Bhopal | Syed Sajid Ali
Secretary Chouhan Education Society Bhopal | |